About Us

Fintribe is a Female only Finance Platform.

A Community of 6,000+ women building wealth together, promoting Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion.

We promote financial inclusion through qualitative financial training, member-only fintech platform for consistent savings and access to Joint investment options that may be beyond member’s reach as individuals. In 2023 alone, our members saved and invested over $1,000,000.

FinTribe is centered on three pillars

Mission 1. Building an army of financially informed women through financial literacy education

A 2019 research on “Assessment of Women’s Financial Inclusion in Nigeria” reported that Lack of education is one of the most important drivers of not only gender gap but financial exclusion in Nigeria.

We aim to bridge this gap through financial education. We host finance and business trainings. We offer scholarship for skill acquisition trainings and laptop grants

An informed woman, is an empowered woman.

Mission 2 - Promote Financial Inclusion through Consistent Savings and Investment via our simplified Fintech platform

Another major driver of Financial exclusion by the report cited Low trust in Financial Service providers (FSPs) as a top reason for financial exclusion.

Having a member only platform and transparency of transactions boost trust and willingness to save.

The simplicity of the platform removes the complexity of process with most FSPs, hence removing barriers to saving.

Mission 3 - Leverage the “Power of Many” to build partnerships and grow businesses of community members

Most times people know what to do but need Accountability to commit to it. Women thrive when they walk alongside other women who are on the same journey as them. This is what we do with our community.

In addition, we seek partnerships that benefit our members.

We boost overall empowerment through jointly investing in cost-intensive projects, and community activities like, group business trips, bulk food sharing program, visibility to members, networking.